The Effect Of Work From Home And It’s Impact On Tech Industry In India


  • M. Mohamed Shameen, Dr. D. Arun Kumar


The pandemic has left a fair amount of uncertainty over the past 3 years and still it continues to affect the major industries around the world. The lockdown induced work from home culture has given freedom and balance between work and family for the employees. But it is a nightmare for the organisations which are in hot pursuit to find a better mode of work in this pandemic world. Employees play vital role in success of any business. Even though employees are a crucial component of every company, the high turnover rate that has been caused in recent years has major consequences. The transfer of knowledgeable and appropriate individuals would have a significant impact on the development of organizations as well as the economy. The number of people who gain newfound confidence as a result, and decide to leave an organization in order to prioritize their own well-being over that of the organization for which they work. An employee may decide to quit an organization for a variety of reasons, including the possibility that he may be promoted to a more responsible role at another company, the availability of permanent work-from-home opportunities, the desire to switch careers, or the pursuit of additional educational opportunities, lack of recognition and unfair treatment of employees, Employees may decide to leave an organization if they do not see opportunities for advancement inside that organization. The covid induced work from home culture have paved way to various issues in the business world to deal with.





