The Role and Impact of Yoga and Taittiriyopanishad in Enhancing Personal Happiness, Mental Health, and Wellbeing


  • Valsal Kumar C, Dr. Sridhar M K, Nagendra H R


Yoga, Taittiriyopanishad, Personal Happiness, Mental happiness, Health, Health and Wellbeing.


Yoga and the Taittiriyopanishad are both important ways to improve happiness, mental health, and overall well-being. Both practices present distinct methodologies for attaining inner tranquility and self-actualization; when integrated, they can profoundly influence an individual's existence. Yoga is a time-honored discipline that originated in India and encompasses a range of physical postures known as asanas, breathing techniques referred to as pranayama, and the practice of meditation. The Taittiriyopanishad, conversely, represents one of the archaic Vedic scriptures within the realm of Hindu philosophy. The integration of yoga and the examination of Taittiriyopanishad mutually enhance one another in the pursuit of psychological and emotional wellness. The practice of yoga facilitates the achievement of a tranquil mental state and heightened consciousness, thereby enhancing one's ability to effectively engage with the profound philosophical ideas expounded in the Upanishad. The main focus of the study is to examine the Role and Impact of Yoga and Taittiriyopanishad in Enhancing Personal Happiness, Mental Health, and Well-being. The study also focuses on the ancient wisdom of the Taittiriya Upanishad. In addition, it also examines the therapeutic effects of yoga and the impact of yoga on personal happiness. Lastly, it evaluates the role of the Taittiriya Upanishad in enhancing mental health.





