Enhancing Safety and Accelerating Charging at Electric Vehicles Charging Stations


  • Hassan Amin Osseily


Electric Vehicles EV, Solar PV, Hybrid Energy, Charging Station.


As the world moves closer to sustainability and electric vehicles adoption, it is very important for EV charging stations to operate as secure and efficient as possible. This paper states usual safety issues that come out from the use of EV chargers based on real life experience, such as electrical risks and user behavior. It also discusses methods to reduce these risks such as implementing safety standards, improved electrical safety precautions, fire suppression systems and user education programs. Simultaneously, this paper includes a designed model of a DC fast charger to accelerate the charging procedure, solving the issue of charging duration, which is one of the critical struggles that EV owners face. Ussing MATLAB-Simulink, it evaluates a range of charging solutions: such as fast chargers, and ultra-fast chargers. The aim of this paper is to result in a complete framework that plays a big part in sustainable expansion of electric transportation, by integrating safety advancements and effective charging options at once. To sum it up, this research focuses on safety enhancement and accelerating charging in EV chargers





